Showing posts with label AMAZING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMAZING. Show all posts

Friday, April 1, 2016

Aceh River Bank

Photo areal kawasan muara di pantai Timur Aceh,

Pulau dibalik Awan

Aceh Watershed

Beyond The Green

Aceh in Dance

Pho dance is a dance that originated from Aceh. Pho words derived from the word peubae, peubae means meratoh or wailing. Pho is a call or a designation of respect from the people of the servant to the Almighty God that Po Teu. When the king of the deceased called Po Teumeureuhom.
This dance is performed by women, formerly usually done on the death of a large and kings, which is based on the request to the Almighty, unload a heavy heart because of misfortune or wailing bore overwritten sadness-sadness that accompanied lamentation. Since the development of the Islamic religion, the dance is no longer highlighted at the time of death, and has become a folk art that is often displayed in traditional ceremonies.

Sea Turtle is My Friends

Pendidikan konservasi harus dimulai sejak usia dini, salah satu anak kecil di Aceh sedang melepas anak penyu.

Sabang Island

Pantai Bate di Pidie

Padi DI Lampanah

kawasan padi lampanah aceh besar, padi merupakan tanaman utama di aceh sebagai salah modal ketahanan pangan di sektor pertanian, kawasan Aceh di setiap desanya pasti meliki lahan padi.

Burung Beureujuk Bale


Leaf For Butterfly

Butterfly and Fly Away

Kupu -Kupu Betina dan janatan Sedang melakukan pembuahan disela sela bunga,

Kapal Krueng Raya

Kawasan Perairan Krueng Raya Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Kawasan krueng Raya merupakan sentra penghasil ikan teri di Aceh./Coastal area of Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar district, this region is the center of producing anchovy in Aceh.

Bird Fighting

Butterfly Colony

Burung Layang-Layang

Burung Camar

Burung di Sekitar Manggrove

Orange Butterfly

Featured Post

8 Jenis Primata Di Aceh