Showing posts with label SUMATERA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SUMATERA. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Long Road In The Paddy Rice

Aceh province to record rice production this year as of October 2015 up 27 percent of production throughout 2014.Aceh Province Aceh production data to be published in Aramaic (the numbers forecast) both as much as 2.32 million tons.The number is about 500 thousand tons of our production in 2014. Throughout the year, we are targeting production of Aceh could reach 2.4 million tons," said Lukman told Business in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 20, 2015.Currently the province of the western tip of Indonesia has a total land area of 294 thousand hectares of rice fields and a total acreage of 477 thousand hectares. ,

Field Of Gold The Paddy Rice

The rice production, for example dry milled grain, Aceh has increased significantly, ie 1,402,288 kilograms (kg) in 2008 to 1,556,858 kg in 2009 the equivalent of 863 398 kg of rice or rose 15.28 percent. Thesurplus figures Aceh reached 251 798 tonnes of rice. Currently productive land area of about 65,000 hectares of irrigated with two planting seasons.
Region's largest rice producer in North Aceh with the production of 232,000 tons, 172,000 tons more followed Pidie, Aceh Timur 171,000 tons, 162,000 tons more of Aceh Besar, Bireuen 161,000 tons more.Furthermore, 108,000 tons more Nagan Raya, Aceh Tamiang 100,000 tons, 86,000 tons more Southeast Aceh and South Aceh 59,000 tons.

Paddy Harvest

Aceh province estimates that the production of milled rice (GKG) in the area this year will only reach 2.33 million tons of targeted nationwide reached 2.7 million tons. "The figures were targeted was tough for Aceh, in 2015 will be realized extensive rice harvest in the province covering an area of 467.40 thousand hectares with a predicted total production of as much as 2.33 million tons of paddy rice production in 2015 is estimated to rise by 27.90 percent over 2014 production forecast figures which the fixed (roof) that year 1.8 million ton.pada 2015 the number of harvested area that has realized an area of 294.04 thousand hectares with a total production of 1.47 million tons total spread across the districts / municipalities in the westernmost province of Indonesia.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sea Turtle is My Friends

Pendidikan konservasi harus dimulai sejak usia dini, salah satu anak kecil di Aceh sedang melepas anak penyu.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Burung Beo Simelue

Burung Beo (Graculla religiosa robusta), bahasa simeuluenya tiung atau burung beo di klaim sebagai burung yang hanya ada di pulau Nias,
sementara di simeulue sangat marak terjadi perburuan beo ini. tetapi tetap saja beo ini namanya beo nias walaupun burung ini harta alam yang sangat berharga di simeulue, Saya Mengajak Mahasiswa Simeulue Untuk Melestarikan, Menjaga serta Mempopulerkan Tiung Simeulue.
jangan sampai harta alam kita di klaim sepihak......
Beo nias merupakan salah satu subspesies (anak jenis) burung beo yang hanya terdapat (endemik) di pulau Nias, Sumatera Utara. Beo nias yang mempunyai ukuran paling besar dibandingkan subspesies beo lainnya paling populer dan banyak diminati oleh para penggemar burung beo lantaran kepandaiannya dalam menirukan berbagai macam suara termasuk ucapan manusia. Sayang, beo nias yang endemik Sumatera Utara ini semakin hari semakin langka.
Beo Nias ditetapkan sebagai fauna identitas provinsi Sumatera Utara. Burung populasinya lebih banyak terdapat di dalam sangkar ketimbang di alam bebas padahal burung endemik yang langka ini termasuk satwa yang dilindungi berdasarkan Peraturan Perlindungan Binatang Liar Tahun 1931, Surat Keputusan Menteri Pertanian No. 421/Kpts/Um/8/1970, Undang-undang No. 5 Tahun 1990, dan Peraturan pemerintah No. 7 Tahun 1999.
Subspesies beo yang mempunyai nama latin Gracula religiosa robusta ini sering disebut juga sebagai Ciong atau Tiong. Dalam bahasa Inggris, burung endemik ini biasa disebut Common Hill Myna.


kura -kura air tawar salah satu kura -kura yang sering di perdagangkan di Aceh dan Indonesia,

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